Happy first day of the Winter season! The Solstice marks the first moment of Winter, when the Sun is stationed at 0 degrees Capricorn 0 minutes. It is a time of celebration, of recognizing it is the darkest, shortest day of the year, with the promise of the days getting longer and longer as time goes on.
Spiritually speaking, this day is when we recognize our own shadow self, and can look at what can be done about bringing it out into the light. This is the time of hibernation, where the animal kingdom perceives and knows it’s time to go into the dream time of slumber. In centuries past, people celebrated “Yule” by seeing the Sun rebirth itself, and gave gifts and shared in the festivities and rituals. We used to be a society of those who paid more attention to the seasons and their offerings, and marked the Solstices and Equinoxes as cornerstones of life. But now, the Winter Solstice is all but forgotten in the general population. I believe if you honor and respect this time of year, there is much to be gained. Capricorn is a powerful Cardinal Earth sign, and with it comes a very grounded attitude and inspiration. We once again look at the beauty Winter brings, regardless of where you live in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s colder, quiet as the birds and animals search for comfort, and physically we slow down. We seek creativity in our kitchens, our comforts in our home, and our families. And with this Cardinal Earth sign, we take our efforts seriously, working to improve our achievements.
On this particular Solstice, Jupiter is stationed at 0 degrees Aries, exactly squaring our Sun. How does this affect us? It gives us the opportunity to be generous, charitable and helpful to others. It can take one over the line where you can promise more than you can do, but your heart is in the right place;) The keyword here is exaggeration, and if one can keep their head above water, and know their limitations, there is much that can be accomplished. Allow yourself the feelings of confidence and power and use these energies to move forward in life.
December 28th to January 18th, 2023 Mercury is Retrograde. In the sign of Capricorn, Mercury leads us on a review, going over unfinished business, goals and business pursuits. Time to enlist the wisdom of the Dreamtime, where we go within for answers, for understanding and come back with our next steps. There isn’t a more important time in this world to be connected to our guidance, strengthening our bond with “All That Is”. The truth lies inside of us, in our hearts and minds, and as they say, the truth will set you free. Blessings are awaiting us all, knock and the door will open!
Thank you Judy Crescenzo for your brilliant insight!
For a session. Email judy@skypatterns.com