On August 16th at 2:38 AM PDT we have the New Moon in Leo. They share the spotlight at 23 degrees Leo 17 minutes. Let the fireworks begin! This double Fire energy brings us the opportunity to begin anew with plenty of power on board. With every New Moon we can reset our goals, hopes and wishes for what we are creating in our life. With the Sun and Moon conjoined in Leo, the Sun rules the day.
Leo is a Fixed Fire Sign, and is determined to make life more pleasurable. It lands on the second month of Summer when things get their warmest and our gardens are flourishing. The Fire element endows us with plenty of vitality, passion and enthusiasm. It rules our creativity, our love affairs, and our uninhibited behavior. We can generate and produce our greatest stories to tell others, based on our ability to see ourselves as designers of our uniqueness. We can step out of the role of the disbeliever due to feeling unworthy and commonplace into a stellar storyteller. This creative energy opens us up to our inner beauty as it rules the heart and what we love.
If your creative medium is art or music, the same is true. During this period your imagination can run wild with designs, with color and form. You may have new ideas of creations you wish to produce, so go to it!
It naturally steers our attention to our love relationships and what we want them to be. On this day the Sun and New Moon are conjunct Venus at 18 degrees Leo Retrograde. No matter how you appear on the surface, you’ll have a very soft heart and others can always appeal to your sympathetic, affectionate side. You’ll especially care about the needs of children, mothers, and families, and desire a love partner who values marriage, home, and family as much as you do. Unkindness or harshness will offend you very much at this time. When Venus is Retrograde we are reviewing our own worth, be it financial, our appearance, or our morals. How do we stand up against what we believe we are and what others see us as? This planetary Retrograde can be responsible for returning exes, financial mismanagement, and ego bruises, making it important that you find ways to recreate your life in these areas.
The Sun and New Moon in Leo also square Uranus degree for degree in Taurus. This aspect inspires us to crave excitement, change, and discovery, and will not tolerate
a routine or lifestyle that offers little in the way of surprise or challenge. Excitable, spontaneous, and enthusiastic about anything new, you may be perceived by others as being too impulsive, especially in personal relationships. It won’t be easy for you to make or keep commitments at this time, since you don't know how you will be feeling
from one day to the next. Emotional freedom is very important to you. Your domestic life can be very unstable at this time, but you may like it that way;)
With these influences at work, take time to see where you are in your life right now. Is it perfect or can it be improved on? Explore the turf in your personal relationships and see if they resemble your greatest dreams of what love can be for you. Look at your relationship with lack/abundance. Do you feel worthy to receive? These luminaries and planets encourage you to see yourself as much more than you may have thought before. Maybe make a pros and cons list of all things you know about yourself and see where you may fall short of who you want to be. After all, Leo is the King of the zodiac with an ego that wants it all.
Thank you Judy Crescenzo🙏
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