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Full Moon in Leo 2025

Writer's picture: Jennifer SchaeferJennifer Schaefer

On February 12th at 5:53 AM PST the Sun opposes the Moon at 24 degrees; the signs are Aquarius Sun and Leo Moon. This is the culmination of all that was hoped for when the Moon was new in Leo, on August 4th, 2024.

Leo is all about love, relationships, and self expression. Leo the Lion is the king of the jungle, and likewise Leo rules their domain. The energy is strong, regal, with a sense of authority, usually well deserved. Or so they think:) Leos are the heart of the zodiac, and can be very loving and generous.

Leo is the second fixed sign of the zodiac, being the second month of the summer season. It is when it‘s hot, really summer, solid and sure. Leo is the second fire sign of the zodiac, full of fury and initiative. Leo‘s energy is very creative, ardent in love, full of drama and uninhibited behavior at its best. It can be over the top, when too bold and pushy. At its worst, Leo‘s energy can be fickle, selfish, and touchy. At its best, shining bright like the Sun in everything they do.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, the center and source of our solar system. That is the demeanor of a Leo, the center and source of their environment. With this seat comes the entitlement of authority and kingly duties. With the misuse of this seat comes abuse of power and authority. The Lion is Leo‘s symbol. The Lion and the Lioness are very similar to the king and queen of the savanna. They hold court with their pride; they rule fiercely and protect theirs until their death. Leo energy inspires respect and admiration.

On this Full Moon, the Moon opposes Mercury at 26 degrees Aquarius, and squares Uranus at 23 degrees Taurus. When Mercury opposes the Moon, you are not interested in subjects that are wholly abstract or technical. There must be a personal, human element to evoke your interest. Interested in people and their inner motivations, feelings, personal lives, and experiences, you’ll feel like listening to others and to talk about their lives, dreams, desires - the things that are personally meaningful to them. You’ll have a particular interest in the past, and will be concerned either with personal history (childhood and early family experiences, genealogy, etc.) or with the roots and origins of societies (archeology, mythology, history, etc) at this time.

The Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo have a T-Square from Uranus. This planet of sudden change and awakening is appropriate for the times we are living in. Impulsive, restless, and spontaneous, your life is apt to be somewhat unstable and full of sudden changes now. You are extremely independent and crave excitement during this period; adventure, freedom, and discovery. Emotional freedom is very important to you, and with this fiery Full Moon this can make for instability. The key to the T-Square is always the planet or luminary that squares two opposite planets or luminaries. So on this occasion we look to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is a “destabilizer”, and Taurus is all about money, possessions, our resources and how we feel about ourself. These three fixed signs, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo, are very stubborn. But change is upon us, and we all need to know careful planning and downsizing on our spending may be the way to proceed.

Instead of any dependency on others to care for us financially, it is time to grab the golden ring and put forth the effort to become independent. This can happen when we take steps to plant a fruit and vegetable garden, and store goods for the future. Maybe you live in an area where solar panels can get you through the year without having to pay for electricity. Storing water in rain barrels for future needs. The list goes on and on to our own self reliance and the freedom it brings us.

So, think outside the box, see where you can be more frugal and actually put some money aside. Be generous to others with what you have to share, and look toward the future with high hopes of our world becoming more compassionate and loving towards each other. Be part of the change.

Judy Crescenzo

Thank you, Judy, for your wisdom. If you would like to inquire about a session, please find Judy's contact information below., skypatterns on YouTube and Patreon



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